Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jesus apologetics

Regardless of my lack of posting on this blog, my religious search has far from ended. Even with my new and very time-consuming artwork endeavors that have used much of my time and mental resources, I am still always seeking out new information, trying out new experiences, and asking questions. One habit I’ve developed since getting an iPhone is finding interviews and lectures on youtube to listen to while driving to/from work. Fantastic way to spend a boring 30+ minute drive. Found a really good lecture the other day on proving the Jesus story, which gives insightful details into the Jewish culture, fleshes out much of the context of gospels themselves, and compares Christian beliefs to other religions. There are 7 parts, but they're pretty short. I found it was very worth time spent. Just FYI, the last video is a little worship-y (especially when the piano comes in), but I guess that’s to be expected from a Christian apologetics topic. Otherwise it’s very intelligently argued.

Jesus Apologetics: part 1, Why believe?

Part 2: Legend

Part 3: Story, lie

Part 4: Gospels contradict

Part 5: No corroborating evidence

Part 6: Miracles

Part 7: Ending