Friday, February 18, 2011

Still searching...

First I’d like to say that my lack of posts recently has been a bit of a downer to me, and I apologize to any who have been frequenting my site and reading my humble insights only to find the same posts staring at you for weeks on end. My newly forming art career has taken much of my time and mindshare, and it’s been hard to find the time and concentration to post regularly. That doesn’t imply however that my search is over, or there aren’t a thousand ideas in my head all day long about God and the universe. Just the opposite in fact. Anyway, rather than trying to put together perfectly organized, well-researched, and very time-consuming posts, I’ve decided to make it more of a stream of consciousness, a place for me to simply share my thoughts and feelings. And anyone wants to present some research to either back up or refute my thoughts, then please do.

I’ve lately been spending a lot of my driving time to and from work listening to podcasts or videos on the internets, thanks to the wonders of the iPhone 4. It’s an endless sea of arguments, discussions, debates, and seminars for and against Christianity, or any religion for that matter. And it’s great for stirring up fodder for some new blog posts. And saves time on my “research” for certain facts when talking about a topic. Hopefully this will allow me to post much faster, since I might be able to recall ideas or evidence from memory, rather than constantly researching while I’m writing. I also might take the liberty to spontaneously share an idea I’ve had, with no argument being made, something that I am sometimes hesitant to do.

Anyway, thank you for all for reading, and I hope to share more thoughts and insights more often.

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