Sunday, July 31, 2011

My god is an AWESOME god

I just wanted to take a minute to profess my intense love and faith for my god. He is in everything I do, everything I see, everyone I know… whether they know him or not :) His love is so endless and powerful, he created the universe with a thought (and even that was a piece of cake for his infinite powers), he knows every thought I'm thinking at every moment, and knows every thought I will ever think. And he knows you too, even if you aren't aware of it.

He is the only way to true happiness. All you have to do is have total faith in him and put your life and your heart in his hands, he will guide you and bring your life into such perfect perspective. He knows your faults, your struggles, your mistakes, and if you just take that one step and give these over to god, then no matter what has happened in your life, no matter what you've done, you will be forgiven and loved. It can be a rough and bumpy road sometimes, but in the end, god will be faithful. And by accepting him into your heart, you will be granted everlasting life to be by his side in the next life. Can you imagine, being next to god in the most beautiful place that you can't even imagine for all eternity? How awesome is that!

Many many years ago, when he first created his covenant with his chosen people, he proved himself over and over again with miracles and by physically being present on earth, and by actually showing up and speaking to people. He doesn't manifest in such an obvious, physical way anymore, but he doesn't need to – I see his presence in every good deed that people do around me, every child's laugh, every sunset. Every ounce of love that I share for my fellow man is hard evidence of my god's existence.

This, my good friends, is why I give my complete faith over to my god, the Purple Unicorn. He truly is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, mighty to save. Place your trust in him and you too can know his peace. The only proof you will ever need of his existence is all around you, because he IS love. And whenever people share in his love, grace, and mercy, he is there. That's all the proof I ever need. If you even have faith in Purple Unicorn the size of a mustard seed, you can truly move mountains. His love is amazing, for Purple Unicorn is the redeemer of all life on earth.

In Purple Unicorn's precious name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't been here in awhile and I have to admit I'm a little disappointed it's been downgraded to hollow Christianity mocking. Sincere discourse on these issues is rare, but this kind of thing, no offense, isn't. Frankly, it's about as helpful as atheism-mocking.
